The Leo Triplet includes M66 (top left), M65 (bottom left), and NGC 3628 (right) — NGC 3628 is also known as the Hamburger Galaxy. All are spiral galaxies, and probably about 30-40 million light years away. Notice how each galactic disc is tilted a bit differently from our line of sight. This field of view is relatively compact — approximately 60 arcmin (1 degree) x 40 arcminutes in size — and all 3 objects are bright enough to be visualized in the average backyard telescope, making the Leo Triplet a very popular target for amateurs.
Technical details as follows:
Takahashi FCT-150 @ f/7; SBIG ST10XME; Paramount ME; LRGB with 6 hours Lum and 2 hours/channel RGB; processed in PixInsight and Photoshop; MYHY Observatory in Pennsylvania, spring 2018.