M82 in Ursa Major (NGC 3034), is commonly referred to as the “Cigar Galaxy”. A favorite object for amateur astronomers and astrophotographers, since it is both bright (magnitude 8.4) and relatively big (11.2′ x 4.3′), M82 has other interesting features. It is a starburst galaxy, and the closest one to the earth. The intense star formation was presumably triggered by interactions with its neighbor, M81, ages ago. In 2014 both a supernova and a pulsar were discovered within M82. For amateur astrophotographers, the “coolest” feature in M82 is the visually stunning collection of hydrogen alpha jets that emanate from the core.
Technical details are as follows:
2.5 hours of LRGB data was acquired from MYHY Observatory in the Philadelphia suburbs using an OGS 12.5″ RC @ f/9 and SBIG ST10 XME ; 16 hours of Ha data was then added using a Tak FCT-150 @ f/7 and SBIG ST10 XME. Processing was in PixInsight and Photoshop.