On July 20, 2020 I imaged Neowise from my home observatory, piggybacking a Canon 6D Mark II with a Canon 100-400 telephoto lens to my 12.5″ RC, tracked with a Paramount ME.
This composite consists of an integration of about 80 frames, all 10 sec exposures at f/5.0, FL 250 mm. Flats were employed but no darks.
Processing was initially in PixInsight using the comet algorithm. The frames were star aligned, then each of these were further aligned using the center of the comet’s head as the reference point. A master comet image was generated, and since the stars were not aligned, most of them were rejected during the combine algorithm. This master was subtracted from each the star aligned images. That left a hole where the comet was, and then these were integrated to create a master star image. Finally, the master star image and master comet image were combined with pixel math….additional tweaking, of course, courtesy of Photoshop.