This eclipse image is a composite, assembled from 2 sources, both acquired on August 21, 2017, from Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming:
1 sec of video containing 15 frames, taken with a Lunt 80 mm hydrogen alpha solar telescope and a ZWO 1600 camera, controlled via Sharp Capture on a PC — this data was acquired about 17 minutes after 1st contact.
4 images of the moon obtained during totality with a Canon 40D and Canon 100-400 zoom lens at 400 mm, f/8, shutter varying between 1/2 sec and 1 sec, ISO 800, controlled via Backyard EOS on a PC.
The solar video data was combined in AutoStakkert, then processed in Photoshop, including colorization. The lunar data was processed in Photoshop and then layered on top of the lunar silhouette from the first image.