The Starstruck exhibit was the brainchild of the Bates College Museum of Art education curator, Anthony Shostak. A traveling exhibit, it made its way to the Michener Art Museum in Doylestown, PA in 2014 — the pictures below were all taken at the Michener during opening night and thereafter. Three of my images (collaborations with Jack Harvey) were part of the exhibition, including Thor’s Helmet, the Antenna Galaxies, and NGC 4945. Here’s a short video that helps explain the impetus for such an exhibition.
- Anthony Shostak puts his arms around the Milky Way
- Astrophotography 101
- Violet shines more brightly than Thor
- With Warren Keller and the late Allan Keller
- Allan, Warren, Christine, Anthony, Violet, & me
- With documentary filmmaker, David Gaynes, whose “Saving Hubble” was enjoyed by the Michener audience
- My kids try to look interested
- Mom meets Thor
- Goodbye, “Starstruck”